In today’s world of business, “people” are your only unique competitive advantage. Happy employees make happy customers. Happy customers mean returning customers. Returning customers are priceless!
Thomas Wright a Professor at Kansas state university, wrote an article titled "Happy employees are critical for an organizations success". In his paper, he gave this example of actual savings tied to employee well being. In a sample of management personnel with average salaries in the $65,000 range, he found that being psychologically distressed could cost the organization roughly $75 a week per person in lost productivity. With 10 employees that translates to $750 per week in performance variance; for 100 employees the numbers are $7,500 per week or $390,000 per year.
It is far easier to bring in people who subscribe to your belief system than to try to influence their behavior after the fact. Companies that truly see the character of their people as a competitive advantage spend a lot of time getting to know candidates before they let them in.
The recruitment and hiring processes are seen as fundamental as any other operating procedures, and they are painful, thorough, and to be taken seriously by everyone involved. There are many companies overly desperate to fill spaces with bodies in order to get the work done. These companies don’t see the forest for the trees and, further, believe that just any new tree will thrive in the local new habitat. That couldn't be farther from the truth.
The knowledge base of employees seems to be lacking as well. Although they may know their job well and are able to perform at a high level there is always a fact of lost time and resources. This could range from a number of possibilities such as lost or damaged equipment, product waste, stolen goods, uncontrolled absenteeism, being late, leaving early, unnecessary injuries and unproductive time, all effecting your bottom line.
Work Shops / Presentations / Consulting
Hire for Character Train for Skills: Character always Supersedes Success
Employee Knowledge (Business 101): Visual presentation about how a company works and the expenses your employees may not realize they are wasting and effecting the entire organization. Knowledge is power and the initial key to overall change.
Front Line Revenue: Work ethic, customer service, customer satisfaction, soft skills. These all go hand in hand in creating a happy customer eager to come back and do business with you.
Employee's are people to: The ability to connect with your employee is the most important task of any small business owner or manager. Learn the easy steps it takes to connect and build loyal employee's which in turn will bring loyal customers. Appreciated employee's that are happy are contagious and bring enthusiasm that will make all the difference.